Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Lay Hold on Your Victory in Christ

When you enter a store with your parents, they don't pay for something they don't want you to have. Likewise, Jesus wouldn't pay for something He doesn't want you to have. He paid for your healing because He wants you healed and in good health. By His stripes you were healed. Lay hold on your healing by believing in what Jesus has accomplished for you. Salvation is for those who truly believe in the redemptive work of Christ; healing is for those who truly believe in what Jesus has accomplished on the cross. When you believe, you receive. The devil has no right to make you bear the burden and the judgment which Jesus has already borne for you (including sin and diseases), unless you consent to it. So submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Lay hold on your inheritance in Christ. Lay hold on your freedom from sin and your dominion over sin. Lay hold on your healing and deliverance from every oppression of the devil. Lay hold on prosperity. Lay hold on your victory over Satan and all his angels. In Christ, you have victory; in Christ you're more than a conqueror; in Christ you're an overcomer; in Christ you have been called to a glorious life. Enjoy it! Remain blessed.

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